Crusader Kings 2 Title Loss On Succession
You will lose land when you die. Look into setting your succession type (on the law screen) to the one which gives all of your stuff to your first born male son. It is the most practical type, default one shares your titles between your children. You have to meet certain requirements, so cursor over the question mark to see what you need to do in order to change it Bang!
Remember about the roots!But unfortunately dynastic politics is a two-edged. On the one hand, having big family provides you a lot of marriages (so allies and opportunity to aspire for another crowns) but on the other hands it stimulates House's members to fight between them. It becomes problematical especially when you play a long time a some in a row. In such situation there are lot of candidates for a crown, because those aren't only sons but also their cousins, uncles etc ( at least in the primogenitural model - look at Succession). That's why it's good to bet on the minimalism: have a lot of daughters and only few sons.
Children from normal marriages inherit the House after the father.You never know what will be the child's sex, it's generated randomly. So it's worth to save the game a moment before birth and loading until you'll get the sex you want. Usually it's better to have daughters than sons, because they have smaller rights to the throne what makes them less dangerous (if you didn't choose Absolute Cognatic Succession model, look at the Succession). Women additional advantage is a fact, that thanks to marriages they can provide very useful allies. It's very important to not let them have any lands, because after their wedding you lose them for the benefit of their husbands (to avoid that, you can use proper protection - look at Laws chapter). Confering a bishopric is the easiest way of eliminating someone from the succession.About sons: it's enough to have one or two.
To top these features off, a new questline has been added.There are five, a marketplace and several dungeons added to the castle. Castle volkihar redux download. Contents DescriptionCastle Volkihar Redux cleans up Castle Volkihar and adds new missions, perks, and unique items. CVR removes the piles of rubble, restores the blocked portals, and germinates the castle into a small town. To compliment these features, over 80 NPCs (including Gargoyles, Dragur, Wrathmen, Mistmen, and other undead) to populate the castle.
Crusader Kings 2 Inheritance Laws
First option secures you from a fratricidal fights, but has an option of defeating if the only one descendant will be murdered. The second option is profitable in a case of danger of assassination or when the one son is for example ill. Two men in a house is a big problem, you may be sure that the family will grow across, increasing a number of uncles, cousins, nephews and other potential candidates to the throne. That's why you should nominate your younger son for a bishopric, he'll have no legal descendants in that case. If the firstborn died, you would take from the second one all the bishop's estates and give others. Then the celibate won't be obligatory.