Hid Fargo 5600 Invalid Ribbon

Troubleshooting a “Wrong Ribbon Error” for a Fargo DTC550. 1.) Go to your printer driver. 2.) Select Device Options 3.) Select Auto Ribbon Select button. Printer will then auto-detect the ribbon you are using.

  1. Hid Fargo 5600 Invalid Ribbon Replacement

When using a Fargo HDP5000 printer, the error code “ribbon has miscued” may display on the LCD screen. The printer may also display an Error Code 97. The following are the steps you can take to attempt to resolve the error and resume printing. Open Windows’ “Devices and Printers” screen;. Locate the HDP5000 printer, and right-click on it with your mouse;.

Select the option for “Printing Preferences”;. Select the tab named “Card”;. Click the link button for “ToolBox” and a new window will open;. In the new window, select the “Calibrate Ribbon” tab, and follow the directions provided.If the calibration finishes normally, resume printing your cards. If the calibration does not resolve the problem, or the same errors continue to occur, please contact us about your warranty or service options, as this error is also symptomatic of a ribbon sensor that has gone bad.For a complete list of error codes for the HDP5000, access the provided.

A list of the codes that appear on the LCD screen begins on page 65 of the PDF.Visit our website or web store for information about the and For further technical support, contact us for a free consultation at +1 888.485.4696 (US & Canada), or +1 704.535.5200.This entry was posted in and tagged, on. Post navigation.

12 thoughts on “ Fargo HDP5000 – Ribbon Has Miscued Error”.Hi Kate – if I understand your problem correctly, you are submitting a print-job to the HDP5000. The printer is not at operating temperature, so you are waiting for the image-transfer process to begin, and observing the temperature indicator climb until it reaches the required 175c setting. At this point, you are receiving the error code 273. Assuming this is correct, this error means that the image transfer module suffered a fatal error during startup.

Please try the following:o Reboot the printer (power off, and disconnect from the power source. Wait 5 minutes before re-connecting to power, and wait for printer to become “Ready”);o Try to print again and, if this resolved the issue, continue with your work;o If the issue persists, it is most likely an issue with either the printer’s transfer arm head-lift mechanism, or the printer main logic board will need to be replaced.If the printer is less than 3-years old, it may be covered by Fargo’s warranty. Please contact your Fargo dealer or service center for assistance.

Hid fargo 5600 invalid ribbon location

Hid Fargo 5600 Invalid Ribbon Replacement

If you are located in the USA, we’d be happy to help you obtain repair services, whether under warranty or not.

We often receive calls from clients whose Fargo ID card printers display a “wrong ribbon” error. This error will appear on the printer’s LCD screen or on the user’s computer monitor and has a few potential causes. Common Causes of the “Wrong Ribbon” Error: Hardware FaultOccasionally, we find that there is a hardware fault with the printer, particularly with the ribbon sensor or RFID-tag reader. After ruling out the other possible problems listed below, please call one of our experts if you still receive the “wrong ribbon” error. Wrong RibbonYou could, indeed, have the wrong ribbon for the printer.

Many Fargo ribbon cartridges look identical, and there are no markings on the ribbon carriers to indicate which you have. For example, a YMCKO ribbon for the Fargo DTC1250e looks like the YMCKO ribbon for the DTC4250e, but they are not interchangeable.

Each ribbon has an embedded RFID tag which includes a ribbon part-number. The printer’s corresponding firmware includes a list of all ribbons that are compatible with the printer. As a result, if your ribbon is not compatible with your printer, you will receive this message. Bad Ribbon RFID TagFargo ID-card printer ribbons are manufactured to include an RFID tag, which contains information about the ribbon itself (ribbon type, lot number, manufacturing site, etc.). On VERY rare occasions, this RFID tag is missing, or the data has been corrupted.

This will prevent the printer from recognizing an otherwise good ribbon as valid. Try another ribbon if you have one available. Out-of-Date FirmwareYou could have out-of-date firmware on your printer. Periodically, Fargo will introduce new firmware to include updated manufacturing information. Once this new firmware is introduced, they will include new data on the encoded RFID tag affixed to the ribbon cartridge.

A printer with outdated firmware will be unable to validate ribbons that have this new encoding and reject them, returning a “wrong ribbon” error. Please see our separate blog post for detailed instructions on updating firmware. Incorrect Driver SettingBut most-likely, the error is the result of an incorrect print-driver setting. For example, you may have a full-color (YMCKO) ribbon, but a print driver set for a monochrome-black (K) ribbon.

This mismatch between the actual ribbon loaded, and the ribbon the PC “thinks” should be loaded will result in a mismatch, and “wrong ribbon” error. For this scenario, follow the directions below to change the printer driver settings. Choosing the Correct Driver SettingPrior to beginning the instructions below, please verify that you have Windows administrator rights or have been granted Windows permissions by your network administrator to change the driver functions on your computer.

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