Windows 10 Taskbar Locked

Unclickable Taskbar Windows 10. In this case, the Taskbar becomes unresponsive to clicks. You cannot click on any component of the Taskbar. This is a very frustrating problem. How to update hoi4. Windows 10 Taskbar frozen. This is by far, the most serious problem. In this case, the Taskbar completely freezes and becomes unresponsive. The Windows 10 taskbar is highly customizable and full of variety, but a misclick can undo all of that. Find out how to lock/unlock the taskbar at will to avoid the mistake of making unintended changes. The Windows 10 taskbar is highly customizable, much like its predecessors.

  1. Windows 10 Taskbar Lock Icons

Windows 10 Taskbar Lock Icons

Are you running in fullscreen mode or windowed mode?There are other issues with the Windows 10 taskbar that I've noticed. For example, if you set the taskbar to the Top or Left of the screen, the Explorer window will remember its location when closed and opened back up again. If you have the taskbar set to the Bottom or Right of the screen, when you open Explorer, position it somewhere, close it and then re-open it again, it will move to a slightly different position each time you open it up again (an annoying Windows 10 bug for people who like to keep application windows in specific positions).

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