Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Found
If for some reason, you need to restart your Windows File Explorer in Windows 10/8/7, this is the procedure you can follow. You may use the Task Manager, a desktop shortcut or the Context Menu. Restart ExplorerIn Windows 7, you would start the Task Manager. Select explorer.exe from the processes, and click on the End Process button.This would kill explorer.exe.Next, you’d click on File tab, choose New task (Run), type explorer.exe in the box and click OK.This will restart explorer.exe.Windows 10/8 offers the context menu option to Restart Explorer in its Task Manager.
Windows 10 Explorer.exe Not Working Properly
Nov 24, 2017 In case, nothing worked for you; then last resort is to perform a clean installation of Windows 10. I hope my this post on how to fix Explorer.exe Class Not Registered in Windows 10 useful. In case, you need any assistance then drop it in the comment section.