Types Of Welding Process
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Different types of welding processes; we’ll focus on 3 examples of electric arc welding, which is the most common form of welding. The most popular processes are shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). All of these methods employ an electric power supply to create an arc which. Today we will learn about arc welding process and its types. Arc welding is one of the famous type of welding used in industrial work to join metal. It is one type of fusion welding in which metal is melted together to form the joint. The energy required for melt the work piece is taken by electric arc so it is known as arc welding. There are over 40 types of welding but only four welding processes are commonly used world wide including: SMAW – Shielded Metal Arc Welding also called Arc and Stick welding. GMAW – Gas Metal Arc Welding also called MIG welding. FCAW – Flux Cored Arc Welding also called Flux Cored. GTAW – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding also called TIG and Heliarc.
Welding is an exciting and rewarding technique for enthusiasts and professionals alike. Using a couple of tools and various types of metals, welders can transform any piece into any shape and design they desire, all with sparks flying around in the process. However, in order to be able to master the art of welding, you need to start with the basics and be aware of the different types of welding processes.More than 30 differenttypes of welding exist, and they range from simple oxy-fuel to high-techprocesses such as laser beam welding. However, only four welding types are usedcommonly, and they are MIG, TIG, Stick and Flux- Cored arc welding. Each ofthem comes with its own advantages and disadvantages and you need to haveproper training to practice them.MIG - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).
This welding process usesa continuously fed electrode through a welding gun and the operator needs topull a trigger in order to feed the consumable electrode through. Between thebase material and the electrode an electric arc forms, which heats the materialuntil it reaches the melting point that makes it possible to get it joined withanother.For this type of welding, you need an externally supplied shielding gas, and some of the most common used gases for this purpose are stainless steel, carbon steel, magnesium, copper, nickel, aluminum, and silicon bronze. Some of the typical uses for MIG weldingThe main advantages ofchoosing the MIG style for welding include the reduction of waste thanks to thehigher electrode efficiency, the minimal weld clean up required, lower heatinputs, and reduced welding fumes. Moreover, this is the easiest weldingtechnique to learn, which makes it suitable for beginners and DIY enthusiasts.Among the disadvantages, we can count the need for external shielding gas, the rather high cost for the and other equipment needed, the limited positions in which you can weld, because you cannot use this technique for vertical or overhead welding, and the inability to weld thick materials. Moreover, in order to be able to use this welding technique successfully, all the materials need to be free of dirt and rust.MIG welding is verycommonly used in the automotive industry, mostly because it can provide astrong weld that can withstand large forces.
Automotive repairs often requireversatility and strength, and this is the type of welding that is best fittedto this purpose. Other common uses include branding, robotics, constructions,and the maritime industry.When it comes to MIGwelding, you need to be sure that you adjust the power settings perfectly inorder to should the thickness of the material.
The speed of the welding is alsoa factor that affects the periods and penetration of the weld. By decreasing thespeed of thoughts travel, you will be able to increase penetration. Various calculators are available if you wantto compare the different settings that you need for the welding power for aspecific project.TIG - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Also known as Heliarcwelding, TIG is a welding process that uses a tungsten electrode that is notconsumable to heed the base metal and create a molten puddle for the by usingthis method, you can create are no filler metal or autogenous weld in order tomelt two pieces of metal together. You can also add an external filler rod intothe molten puddle in order to be able to create a weld bead and increase themechanical properties of the metal.Just like in the case ofMIG welding, you will need an external gas supply, and some of the common ofthem are argon and argon/helium mixtures. Some of the most typical uses for TIGwelding include piping systems, aerospace welding, and motorcycle or bikes.The main advantages of using this welding technique as an enthusiast or a professional include the ability to weld very thin materials, the high quality cleaning welds, and the highly aesthetic weld beads. Moreover, with this technique you can weld a wide range of alloys and obtains spatter free wells so you don't have worry as much about debris.On the other hand, some of the disadvantages of the TIG welding include the high cost of the equipment and the lower deposition rates.
Moreover, you will need external shielding gas and a rather high operator skill in order to obtain the desired results.TIG welding is generallyregarded as the most popular welding technique used nowadays, and the reasonbehind this is the fact that it offers a clean weld and a high degree of puritythat is almost impossible to obtain with other welding methods. The method ismost commonly used for welding stainless steel, even though it is also asuitable choice for other metals such as aluminum, magnesium, copper, andnickel.Some of the industries that use TIG welding on a regular basis include those where nonferrous metals are prevalent. This means that this method is a suitable one for the manufacturing of tubing, vehicles, bicycles, as well as the repair and maintenance of various types of tools made from magnesium, aluminum, and stainless steel. Check out our.Stick - Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Commonly referred to as Stick, the shielded metal arc welding is a process that uses an electrode to carry electric current in order to be able to provide most of the weld metal.
This technique is rather similar to the MIG welding method, as it also requires an uninterruptedly fed electrode, but instead of a solid wire, it needs a tube-shaped wire full with flux. You can choose from two types of flux core wire, which are socially and will shield wires. Social good wires are a good solution for outdoor use, as they work even in windy situations. N the other hand, double shield uses an external shielding gas and the flux in order to guard the modern weld puddle.The main advantages of this technique include the higher electrode efficiency that creates less waste than other types of welding methods, as well as the lower hit inputs. With the flux-cored arc welding, there is no need for external shielding gas, and you get reduced welding fumes regardless of the metal used for welding. This is also a rather clean type of welding, as you don't have to deal with lots of debris.When it comes to thedisadvantages of this welding method, some of the most common of them includethe generation of a lot of smoke and the high cost of the equipment.
Thiswelding method is not recommended for thin materials and may create slag.The flux-cored arc welding technique is very easy to learn and there are many professionals prefer it because it is extremely inexpensive. Even though there are several limitations when it comes to the application of the technique and the results may not be as aesthetically pleasing as those obtained with other types of whaling methods, this matter remains popular because of its ease of use.Read our reviews of the.Electron Beam Welding (EBW)This type of weldinginvolves firing a ray of high velocity electrons at the materials that requirewelding. This technique transforms energy from the electrons into sheets inorder to melt the welding materials, which can then merge and fuse together. Thistype of welding is used in multiple industries, with applications ranging fromfully automated automotive inline part production to high-cost aircraft engineindustry. Some examples of products that are created with electron beam weldinginclude aerospace components, transmission assemblies, and bimetal saw blades.Because this is avacuum-based process electron beam welding is a perfect choice for sealing ofelectrical components and pre-evacuated housings. This technique allows joiningof dissimilar metals, such as those with different thermal conductivities andmelting points, something that is generally difficult to achieve with otherwelding methods.
This is also a good technique for those who want to weld athick material to a thin material.Atomic Hydrogen Welding (AHW)This welding techniquehas been largely replaced by the gas metal arc welding methods, but it is stillin use for specific purposes such as welding tungsten. This material is highlyresistant to heat and by using this technique, you can weld it in a way thatdoes not damage the metal while still creating cohesive, strong weld. As in all welding jobs it is extremely important to wear for protection and safety.The method was inventedby Irving Langmuir after he discovered atomic hydrogen. It involves theplacement of two metal tungsten electrodes in a hydrogen atmosphere in order tobreak up the hydrogen in the molecules and combine them in an explosion of heatthat can go up to 3000 degrees Celsius.Gas Tungsten-Arc WeldingThis is one of the most difficult types of welding, and also the most time-consuming, because it requires a lot of focus and skill mostly because of the small area between the art of the flame in the material you intend to weld. For this method small strips of metal are welded with this process in order to obtain an extremely strong weld that is bound to last for years.
This welding method has been released in 1941 and it has changed very little since. It is still used by manufacturers of bicycles and aircraft, both military and commercial.Plasma Arc WeldingA process that is similarto that of the gas tungsten arc welding, the plasma arc welding was initially developedin 1954 and it uses electrical current that is passed through a very smallnozzle that goes through the protective gases in order to enable extremeaccuracy when it comes to welding small areas.
This method is a suitable one touse when it comes to heating metal very extreme temperatures which results indeeper and stronger welds. This welding method is often used in the aircraftmanufacturing industry, and it is very rare for it to be useful for DIY andenthusiast welders.To learn more about plasma cutters and how to choose read our..
Types Of Welding Process Ppt
– Part 2Types of Welding Processes – Part 2, We have gone through 2 prominent types of welding process in the previous article, now we will be discussing about TIG welding as well as Flux Cored Arc Welding. As Stick welding and MIG welding are very important form of welding and used with different industries so are the newly mentioned TIG and flux coat.3. TIG welding or “Tungsten Inert Gas” and is also recognized as “Gas Tungsten Arc Welding”. If you have mastery over MIG welding and stick Welding in that case, implicating TIG will be easy, else it can be bit difficult to master it.