Hearts Of Iron 4 Navy Guide
Hearts Of Iron 4 Navy Guide Pdf
Jun 14, 2016 So far I tried 4 different games: 2 with Brazil, 1 with Italy and now with Turkey, all joining the Axis expect Italy where I started my own faction but still played alongside the Axis. In all of them I almost totally ignored the Navy, using only the Docks I already have, producing mainly subs and destroyers and never researching a single ship. So far I tried 4 different games: 2 with Brazil, 1 with Italy and now with Turkey, all joining the Axis expect Italy where I started my own faction but still played alongside the Axis. In all of them I almost totally ignored the Navy, using only the Docks I already have, producing mainly subs and destroyers and never researching a single ship.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Navy Guide
You just started playing and keep losing in singleplayer? This guide will teach you how to easily win with the following nations: Germany, France, Romania, China, Brasil, Italy, Spain.
If you learn to win with those nations you can win with almost any other nation. Each section has both specific advice as well as general advice.IntroThis guide assumes you have finished the in-game tutorial with Italy.Unlike other Paradox games where the larger army usually means victory, Hearts of Iron IV is much more complex.