Battlefield 3 Venice Unleashed
Venice Unleashed Dead
Venice Unleashed promises to let you have control over a wide set of features and settings that were initially hidden from you. In other words, those using this mod will be able to create servers without the blue tint, or with limited destruction, or without supression. DSOGaming writes: 'Venice Unleashed will feature an Extension System, which exposes lots of engine/game functions and abilities. Thus, players will be able to create their own unique mods and gamemodes, without the need of performing complicated and game-breaking file modifications. Yeap, modding is.
As it says in the title 'What does EA think of Venice Unleashed?' I have heard that EA does not have a good view of mods and bans users who have them without remorse.I'm wondering how you are thinking of the situation when there are youtubers like JackFrags that are promotingyou're games online making videos with a positive point of view about the mod.
Battlefield 3 Venice Unleashed Movie
Battlefield 3 Venice Unleashed Full
Since it has granted players who useit the ability to amongst other things that you didn't grant them like spectator mode (which is good to have inthe competitive brach of gaming).